Gender equality in Sweden
How gender equal is Sweden? We follow the development of the six sub-goals of the Swedish gender equality policy.
How gender equal is Sweden? We follow the development of the six sub-goals of the Swedish gender equality policy.
Gender equality work must be integrated into the regular operations and not only be dealt with as a separate, parallel track.
Prostitution and human trafficking for sexual purposes receive particular attention in the Swedish strategy for the elimination of men’s violence against women.
It has been forbidden to buy sexual services in Sweden since 1999. Sweden was the first country in the world to criminalise the buying of sexual services.
Crime is not merely a matter of individual choices but also a reflection of societal norms that shape our behaviours and relationships.
Gender differences in income emerge at a young age and continue throughout working life.
More workplaces are recognising the importance of addressing domestic violence and honour-based violence and oppression as part of their systematic occupational health and safety efforts.
Violence and threats of violence are common for those subjected to child and forced marriages, particularly girls and women.
The Swedish government has announced the introduction of a new gender equality policy sub-goal aimed at preventing and combating honour-related violence and oppression.
In December 2024, the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) presented it's yearly index. Sweden is still the most gender equal country in the EU, but in recent years, progress has reversed.
Despite an overall disappointing outcome, the COP29 climate summit succeeded in agreeing on a ten-year gender equality programme.
Trafficking in human beings is a major societal problem that needs more attention. And we need to put more focus on the victims, said Minister for Gender Equality Paulina Brandberg on 18 October.
For the first time the Swedish Gender Equality Agency has signed a partnership agreement with a foreign agency. In the next few years, we will cooperate with the Kosovo counterpart, KAGE.
There is a lack of knowledge about violence against older adults. Also, older adults rarely seek out municipal social services of their own record. Our new report shows that there is work to be done.
The Swedish consent law (2018) fundamentally reshapes the legal landscape surrounding sexual offenses, positioning consent at the heart of sexual relations. The legislation has catalysed a broader cultural conversation about sexual ethics and respectful relationships.
Sweden's consent lawStopping men's violence against women requires increased and effective preventative work against violence. Find out how you can get started with violence prevention within your organisation.
Violence preventionAre you planning to work in Sweden? Welcome! But remember that there are employers who can exploit you in human trafficking.
How to work safely in SwedenThe main task of the gender equality agency is to coordinate, follow up and provide various forms of support in the area of gender equality.
If you meet people who are on the run from Ukraine, please inform them about the risks of human trafficking. We provide information in English, Ukrainian and Russian.
Information to Ukrainan refugeesWatch five short films that are based on the stories and needs that are expressed in different #metoo appeals from some of the vulnerable groups encountered by the social services.
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