Trafficking in Human Beings in Europe

Välkommen att lyssna på Sveriges officiella sidoevent Trafficking in Human Beings in Europe - Addressing sexual exploitation in the wake of the Russian aggression against Ukraine under årets Kvinnokommission, CSW68.

Trafficking in human beings is a heinous crime and a violation of human rights to which women and
children are particularly exposed. More than 90 per cent of detected female victims are trafficked for
the purpose of sexual exploitation, according to UNODC:s Global Report on Trafficking in Persons.
Trafficking in human beings is linked to and exacerbated by poverty, inequality, discrimination, armed
conflict and migration. When new crises appear worldwide, traffickers often abuse these situations to
profit from the vulnerability of people in need. The Russian full-scale invasion of Ukraine has forced
over 10 million people to flee their homes, putting the vulnerable population, especially women, at risk
of trafficking both within Ukraine and when crossing borders to other European countries.

Article 9(5) of the Palermo Protocol mandates that “States Parties shall adopt or strengthen legislative
or other measures, such as educational, social or cultural measures, including through bilateral and
multilateral cooperation, to discourage the demand that fosters all forms of exploitation of persons,
especially women and children, that leads to trafficking”.

Preventing and combating all forms of sexual violence against women and children is a priority for the
Swedish Government. Since 1999, Swedish legislation bans the purchase of sexual services and this
has been an important tool to target the demand for trafficking in human beings, as well as to improve
the situation of victims. Almost exactly one year ago Sweden, during its EU-presidency, hosted a conference on prevention models to address the demand that fosters for trafficking for sexual purposes.
In the margins of CSW68, this side event intends to follow up on last year’s conference by bringing
together senior government representatives, international organisations, civil society and survivors of
trafficking for a conversation on effective measures involving prevention, protection and prosecution
in relation to human trafficking for purposes of sexual exploitation.

Tisdag 12 mars kl. 18:15 - 19:30 svensk tid.

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Publiceringsdatum: 12 mars 2024

Senast uppdaterad: 11 juni 2024